16 research outputs found

    A service-oriented middleware for integrated management of crowdsourced and sensor data streams in disaster management

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    The increasing number of sensors used in diverse applications has provided a massive number of continuous, unbounded, rapid data and requires the management of distinct protocols, interfaces and intermittent connections. As traditional sensor networks are error-prone and difficult to maintain, the study highlights the emerging role of “citizens as sensors” as a complementary data source to increase public awareness. To this end, an interoperable, reusable middleware for managing spatial, temporal, and thematic data using Sensor Web Enablement initiative services and a processing engine was designed, implemented, and deployed. The study found that its approach provided effective sensor data-stream access, publication, and filtering in dynamic scenarios such as disaster management, as well as it enables batch and stream management integration. Also, an interoperability analytics testing of a flood citizen observatory highlighted even variable data such as those provided by the crowd can be integrated with sensor data stream. Our approach, thus, offers a mean to improve near-real-time applications

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Dynamic Tasks' Reconfiguration for UAV System using Aspect Orientation

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    Many modern applications require high-performance platforms to deal with a variety of algorithms requiring massive calculations. Moreover, low-cost powerful hardware (e.g., GPU, PPU) and CPUs with multiple cores have become abundant, and can be combined in heterogeneous architectures. To cope with this, reconfigurable computing is a potential paradigm as it can provide flexibility to explore the computational resources on hybrid and multi-core desktop architectures. The workload can optimally be (re)distributed over heterogeneous cores along the lifecycle of an application, aiming for best performance. As the first step towards a run-time reconfigurable load-balancing framework, application requirements and crosscutting concerns related to timing play an important role for task allocation decisions. In this paper, we present the use of aspect-oriented paradigms to address non-functional application timing constraints in the design phase. The DERAF aspects’ framework is extended to support reconfiguration requirements; and a strategy for load-balancing is described. In addition, we present preliminary evaluation using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based Surveillance System as case study.©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.</p

    Dynamic Reconfigurable Task Schedule Support towards a Reflective Middleware for Sensor Network

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    Sensor networks are being applied in several emerging sophisticated applications due to the use of powerful and high-quality sensor nodes, such as radars and visible light cameras. However, these nodes need additional features to optimally benefit from heterogeneous modern computing platforms. Therefore, reconfigurable computing is a potential paradigm for those scenarios as it can provide flexibility to explore the computational resources on that kind of high performance computing system. This paper presents a reconfigurable sensor node allocation support, based on application requirements, provided by a middleware focused on heterogeneous sensor networks. In order to address this concern, an aspect-orientation paradigm and intelligent agents approach is proposed followed by an UAV case study.©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.</p

    Sustainable Electric Energy Microgeneration System Based on Electric Eels

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    The Irish and policing in Islington

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    A report to Safer CitiesSIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:OP-LG/8564 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Organization of protection mechanisms for cloud storage services

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    Providing effective security mechanisms is an important requirement to any secure cloud solution. In this sense, it's proposed to use a hybrid approach to cloud security that includes both warning and detection mechanisms in order to minimize the possibility of a successful attack. According to that proposal, the customized attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a comprehensive access control solution for cloud storage services including user accountability and key revocation. The authors apply state-of-the-art signal processing techniques in order to detect the malicious activities and Man-in-the-Cloud (MITC) attacks in the cloud environment